FEP Party President Mustafa Ali Cavus Visits Western Thrace Turkish Teachers’ Union
On Wednesday 7th September 2016, Friendship Equality Peace (FEP) Party President Mustafa Ali Cavus visited the Western Thrace Turkish Teachers’ Union (BTTOB) and met with its President Sami Toraman.
During the meeting the minority’s problems in the field of education were discussed. It was stated that the closure of 9 minority schools is in violation of the Lausanne Treaty and unlawful. The decision is not acceptable and that the closure of minority schools is a way to finish them and open the door to assimilation. The Western Thrace Turkish Minority will never abandon its schools, which is it its foundation and future. There is a need for a full-scale response on this issue. Also Mustafa Ali Cavus stated that within scope of the school closures villages were visited and residents were against them, communicated their reaction to the authorities and shared their efforts in this regard.